Advanced Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads in International Schools (Level 3)
Delivered by The Safeguarding Alliance, this qualification has been designed to provide the international education community with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to understand their roles and responsibilities in the safeguarding of children and young people in an international setting. This course will take place online on 12 November 2024, 08:30-14:00 GMT (UTC), on 3 December 2024, 08:30-14:00 GMT (UTC), on 26 February 2025, 08:30-14:00 GMT (UTC), and 29 April 2025, 08:30-14:00 BST (UTC+1).
Qualification summary
This qualification, equivalent to Level 3, has been designed to provide the international education community with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to understand their roles and responsibilities in the safeguarding of children and young people in an international setting.
It has been drafted to exemplify the importance of key child protection and safeguarding legislation relevant to the school’s location and to ensure that key risk assessments are understood and carried out. This is of particular importance during COVID-19 with the continuous changes being made to guidance and practice.
It is aimed to ensure that the Schools referral process and multi-team working is understood relevant to their geographical international location.
It covers the importance of record-keeping, confidentiality, Safe and Healthy living and the importance of safe working practices whilst working remotely, for staff and all other adults in the international School establishment.
It is particularly useful for:
- Head Teachers;
- Designated Safeguarding Leads;
- Teachers & Teaching support staff;
- Governors;
- Health and Safety officers;
- Professionals and volunteers in commercial and community-based organisations.
Module aim
The aim of this module is to enable the learners to develop the skills and understanding of signs and symptoms, record keeping, the referral process and multi-team working in an international safeguarding context and whilst working remotely. It enables the learner to gain an awareness of the role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding and Health and Safety Leads within the school and the importance of understanding the relevant international child protection legislation applicable to the school setting, including the remote setting.
This unit has 7 learning outcomes.
The learner will be able to:
- Ensure safeguarding and child protection is understood in an international context;
- Understand the importance of national and international legislative frameworks surrounding the issues of safeguarding children and young people. Know about the guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety within the school;
- Know how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied. Know what to do when children or young people are ill or injured, including emergency procedures;
- Understand the differing levels of safeguarding and security clearance and the levels of access these afford. Understand how to support the school behaviour policy for staff, visitors and students;
- Understand the safeguarding referral process;
- Understand how to assess and mitigate safeguarding risks within the schools international setting;
- Understand the importance of the promotion of Safe and Healthy lifestyles within the school environment.
Booking process:
Delegate fees:
£150 per COBIS Member delegate
£160 per non-member delegate
If you are based in the UK, the delegate fee will be liable for VAT. Please email to process your registration.
If you are based outside the UK, but you are booking and paying for your place as an individual (rather than having the booking paid for by the school), you may also be liable for VAT. Please email Annie at to process your booking.
In all other situations, please tick the ‘organisation’ box when asked if the payee is an organisation or an individual.
Additional information:
This interactive online course is delivered by The Safeguarding Alliance. Participant numbers are limited.
Please note, recordings and slides will not be made available; certificates will be issued to attendees.